Monday, 24 March 2008

Press release from the VBC

Bloodbowl comes to Valroma

Welcome sports fans to Endzone, the voice of the VBC (Valroma Bloodbowl Commission), Bloodbowl comes to the Grand Duchy of Valroma! Thats right you heard it here first, after years of petitioning by the VBC a charter has finally been granted to legally stage games and tournaments within the city and outlying regions.

After decades of illegal underground matches (literally sometimes, down in the sewers! - Ed) teams and fans alike can enjoy the bloody game without having to keep one eye on the game and the other looking out for the City Guard. A purpose built ground is currently under construction in the west quarter near to the West Gate.

So grab your colours and rattles (& bass knuckles – Ed) and get out there and support your teams.

Press office VBC

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