Sunday 20 April 2008

Padre Hilario's Sunday Service

Translated by Juno Lister

Hi There Sports fan,
San Pedro's finest prize fighter Cenzu Gonbailas has been seen out pounding the streets this week mean he is actually running I hear you say? No he was literally hitting the street with his fists following the news that his sports wear shop........Neyk Sports was burgled last weekend. No money or valuables have been stolen but only yellow material and paint. Cynics are pointing the finger at the Banda Filomarnika San Pedro who are rumoured to be unhappy that the San Pedro Rams are to play in the Yellow of Banda San Pedro as agreed when their representative Blood bowl teams met last month to decide the team and colours.
San Pedro Guards are following a few leads. Sergeant Garzia said that they have found a trail of two yellow lines painted on the streets of downtown Valroma. He also said how impressed he was with the Valroma City Guard stopping carts from driving over the evisence and fining anyone stopping anywhere near them.

picture: two of San Pedro's finest on the case

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